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Aug 2, 2021, 7 tweets

The 2020 Tokyo #Olympics has sparked a global conversation about representation and inclusion. @mirarose88, @Politicultura and @JulesBoykoff joined us on @TwitterSpaces to discuss how the Olympics can create an even playing field for its diverse global athletes 1/7

.@JulesBoykoff said ‘there’s definitely room for improvement’ in regards to what fairness and equality looks like in the future of the #OlympicGames 2/7

On the visibility of Black athletes in the games, @mirarose88 said the Olympics provides a platform for these athletes to openly express who they are and the experiences that they face 3/7

.@Politicultura said that all three panelists signed a petition to amend IOC rule 50, which prohibits any kind of demonstrations or political, religious and racial propaganda. Read more here 👉 4/7

Sprinter Sha'Carri Richardson was forced to withdraw from the Tokyo Olympics after she tested positive for marijuana, sparking a conversation around the Olympic anti-doping policy. Our panelists weigh in on whether the rule should be re-evaluated 5/7

Female athletes have fought long and hard for the right to choose what they wear when they compete at the Olympics. @mirarose88 says that rules around athletic wear tend to burden marginalized women in particular. Read more here 👉 6/7

The conversation wrapped with a reflection on athletes’ mental health. Athletes like Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka have been vocal about their personal struggles. Read more here 👉 7/7

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