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Aug 3, 2021, 5 tweets

Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana in Gujarat through videoconferencing.

Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani is also present at the event.

Govt is making efforts to provide every possible help to the citizens. Schemes should reach the beneficiaries. I'm satisfied that your family's ration problem is solved now: PM Narendra Modi while speaking with one of the beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana

Since Independence, almost every govt said to provide cheap food to the poor. The reach of cheap ration schemes & budget increased during these yrs. But the effect remained limited. Food storage kept increasing but starvation & malnutrition didn't decrease in that ratio: PM Modi

One of the main reasons was the lack of effective delivery system. To change this situation afresh work was started after 2014. Crores of fake beneficiaries were removed from the system. Aadhar was linked to ration card & digital technology was endorsed in govt ration shops: PM

Today, in addition to the quota of wheat at Rs 2/kg and rice at Rs 3/kg, 5 kg of wheat and rice is being given free to every beneficiary. This scheme is going to last till Diwali. In Gujarat, around 3.5 crores people are getting benefit from this scheme: PM Narendra Modi

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