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Award🥇 winning film maker. Science, tech, medicine geek. Ex nurse. My side hustle is non-profit consulting. I’m an ordinary girl burning down the house.

Aug 3, 2021, 9 tweets

Thread 1/ I also read a lot of lawsuits (in addition to surrogacy contracts). This particular lawsuit was between a U.S. egg "donor" & a fertility agency in Canada working w a Canadian couple. Under fed. law in Canada, you may not pay for eggs.

2/ This part of the lawsuit states how aggressively this woman was stimulated to produce eggs, (45 eggs!!), which puts her at severe risk, for OHSS, stroke, organ failure, lost fertility etc. The MD cleared her to hop on a plane and fly back home to FL, that very same day.

3/ The donor was in severe abdominal pain and she's getting advice via the phone from the MD to drink gatorade & take the pain pills he'd prescribed. She was paid $5,500 for her 45 eggs. She's so ill her boyfriend calls an ambulance where she proceeds to suffer a massive stroke.

4/ Count one of negligence of the MD - put at extreme risk, failure to properly monitor her, failed to advise her to seek immediate medical treatment (gatorade is not medical treatment for severe OHSS).

5/ Count two of Negligence of the Agency, an LLC. Not appropriate for an agency to be giving any medical advice. Medical advice comes from the physician in charge.

6/ More on the negligence of the agency. Remote care from Canada to the U.S. Negligence on advice given her symptoms, failed to provide her w independent counsel to advise her.

7/ Damages in excess of $75,000 plus costs of this action were sought. Settled out of court, judgment sealed. cbc-network.org/2014/05/paid-f…

8/ In the hospital post stroke.

9/ Her story can be heard here in our film, Eggsploitation.

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