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Aug 3, 2021, 15 tweets

Miami Dolphins player Adam Shaheen has been placed on the team’s COVID-19 list.

Shaheen set his Twitter profile location to “somewhere without a mask” and his bio to “I will not comply.”

“I hate Barack Obama with an unhealthy passion.”

After being drafted by the Chicago Bears in 2017, anti-masker Adam Shaheen deleted a tweet about how he passionately hated the first Black President of the United States.

“I’m an expert on the geography of Africa after that bus ride.”

What did Adam Shaheen mean by this?


Adam Shaheen liked disinformation propagandist Candace Owens’ anti-mask tweets.

Adam Shaheen RTed Cole Beasley’s rant against covid mitigation.

Adam Shaheen is a fan of Ron DeSantis’ efforts to roll back covid mitigation initiatives in Florida.

“Cause the government says so …trust the science already.”

Adam Shaheen mocks those who get the vaccine after learning it’s still best to also wear a mask afterwards.

Dolphins player Adam Shaheen shared a tweet saying “we are being bamboozled” by COVID variant warnings.

Adam Shaheen shared Dan Crenshaw’s tweet saying the “real crisis is a cultural one” and not getting the virus under control like AOC suggested.

Adam Shaheen retweets beliefs that Trump is being treated unfairly by Facebook and Twitter after inciting the his Trump rally crowd to attack the Capitol on January 6th.

Adam Shaheen also retweeted Ben Shapiro transphobic tweet against Olympic transgendered athletes.

Adam Shaheen also liked a tweet calling Joy Reid “an idiot” for suggesting Republicans wish they could say the N-word.

Adam likes to joke about his Latino friend crossing the border.

Adam Shaheen liked to use “gay” as a negative in high school.

Nowadays, Adam Shaheen likes to make cringe videos about his gun obsession.

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