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I hunt fake history and correct it, but also post amazing real history stuff. Rude, obscene, vulgar, racist people who can't act like grown-ups get blocked.

Aug 3, 2021, 8 tweets

I recently got @MagellanTVDocs & have been absorbing shows like a sponge.
First one I'll review; 'The Neanderthal in us'.
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#magellantv, #freedocumentary

As you probably noticed, I've been slightly obsessed with Neanderthals lately so when this one popped up I jumped in.
It's an easy to watch documentary that starts with a nice reconstruction of how the bones in the Neanderthal were found.

Pretty soon the documentary starts explaining that the idea of the dumb cave dwelling savage is nonsense.
YES, that's exactly what I like to hear.
Go Neanderthals.
Humans really like thinking everybody who came before them was worse than they were.

Interesting to read about how the Nazis claimed the Aryan Ubermensch annihilated out the subhuman Neanderthal.
Another reason to like the Neanderthals.
I did not know the Nazis closed down the first Neanderthal museum, we're lucky the bones survived!

I so want to visit the modern Neanderthal museum and meet the Feldhofer sculpture made by the Kennis brothers.


The documentary reminds us that the Neanderthal would probably beat all humans during the Olympics... now that might make me watch sports ;)

The bit on modern science, like VR and DNA being used is quite amazing.
The things we can learn from bones, rock and stone splinters is mind blowing.
Neanderthals looked after the disabled.
The scene showing a Neanderthal fancying a homo sapiens is hilarious.

I love the scientist saying that the Neanderthals are us and that we can be proud of having their DNA in our blood.
Neanderthals did make art though, but I guess they didn't know that yet when the documentary was made;

I enjoyed this documentary, it makes me happy that the more we learn the more biased outdated myths vanish.
Let me know what you think, you can see it here for free:
And special offer from me to you here: try.magellantv.com/fakehistoryhun…

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