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Bret Lynn: "So we'll give the FBI a shot" "So I sat down and put all the...into a document and I'm like 'here you go FBI'"

Aug 3, 2021, 9 tweets

1. Yesterday Florida League of the South lost the venue for their Annual Conference. Today, they lost at least 6 of their propaganda pages on Facebook.

2. One of their accounts, Feds Out Of Florida was their most updated page and was a source for updates from the hate group, as seen here:

3. They all shared their big upcoming event. Feds Out Of Florida: Zucked

4. We Dare To Resist: Surrendered to the ban hammer.

5. Voices Of A Southern Life And Culture: Silenced

6. Think Florida First: No brain activity. Dead.

7. Floridians For Secession: Folded back into the ban union.

8. Supporters of Southern History: History

9. A shit week for a shit group. May the rest of their year continue in failure. 🖕

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