The Warning Bell 🧨 Profile picture
Proud Veteran. 🇺🇸 Pro-Democracy. Anti-Trump. Anti-Corruption. Follow at your own risk. 😉

Aug 3, 2021, 13 tweets

What would Unconventional Warfare look like in the US?

Would the people carrying out that war look like the people below?

I think yes. And these are just some of the people that have floated to the surface of ongoing efforts to undermine our Democracy.

Though appearing outwardly as separate efforts, when you look at what each player is doing to attack & control the government, and to destabilize our population through divisiveness, you can see the coordinated actions of irregular warfare.

The most prominent members of Vets for Trump have a background in intelligence - including psyops.

We've covered Speciales before. Based on his podcasts and videos, he has some big plans for himself and those around him.

Under the category of 'strange associations', you see Speciale with Roger Stone, and the guy that accompanied Hostetter and Taylor (charged) to the capitol. (I'm blanking on his name atm)…

Did I mention that Speciale was filmed attempting to breech the Capitol, but gave an interview to RT instead? There's a Patriot!

Joshua Macias and Anthony LaMotta have provided security for Senator Amanda Chase, and were arrested for taking guns to the Philly polls.

Speaking of Amanda Chase, Speciale is promoting her run for VA governor through his Chasing Freedom VA.…

Ivan Raiklin is an intelligence officer, another failed politician, and like Macias, has used Q Amy Vandersteel's podcasts to spread disinformation.

More Odd Couples:

Why is a Vet for Trump getting chummy with the head of Proud Boys do you think?

And there's Ret Rear Admiral Kubic of Vets for Trump giving his 'endorsement' of Amanda Chase.

I'm going to bring up London Center for Policy Research again. We've discussed Flynn's connections to the center, but here's a fun fact:
Ret LTC Anthony Shaffer, president. has known Bernie Kerik for decades

Here's a couple of crazy boys!

Just two kids with extensive intelligence backgrounds getting giddy thinking of ways to gaslight the American public.

I may come back again to further explain the people on the initial graphic.

But I'm not going to touch these folks.

Life's just too short.

In the meantime, read this thread from @visionsurreal for more clarity on the individuals of 1/6.

Also in the 'cool reads' category is @PiperK .

As always, we need to thank @SeditionHunters , @capitolhunters , and their helpers/contributors for their research!!!!!


**In the Anthony Shaffer video, he mentions the London Center was working on a 2nd Amendment project, and a Sentinel Society.**

Thought that was interesting.

Adding Devin's link. 🙂

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