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Aug 4, 2021, 6 tweets

One year since the blast, caused by a huge quantity of ammonium nitrate stored unsafely at the port for years, no top official has been held to account, infuriating many Lebanese as their country suffers from crippling financial collapse

Baby George Khnaisser's mother was in labor on August 4 last year when the explosion sent windows crashing onto her bed. She gave birth to George Khnaisser under torchlight in the corridor of the destroyed hospital

Beirut blast survivor Shady Rizk was in his office and was filming the smoke rising from an initial explosion at the port when the second blast hit

August 4, 2020 was meant to be the wedding day that Lebanese doctor Israa Seblani had always dreamed of, but it quickly turned into a nightmare - it was the same day as the Beirut blast

A report by Human Rights Watch has concluded there was strong evidence to suggest some Lebanese officials knew about and tacitly accepted the lethal risks posed by ammonium nitrate stored at Beirut port before the fatal blast there on August 4 last year

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Before-and-after videos of the August 4, 2020 explosion that destroyed large swaths of Beirut show there's a long road ahead - most streets are now clear of rubble and many buildings are being renovated

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