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Aug 4, 2021, 6 tweets

While most people hate callouses, Olympic sport climbers consider them their most prized possession. Learn how in the newest Olympic sport, their hands make the difference. latimes.com/sports/olympic…

While most think of leg or core strength being the most important component in sport climbing, it's actually your hands and more specifically, your fingers.

U.S. Olympic coach John Larson said, “In climbing, there are so many variables, so many ways to be good. But finger strength is something you can measure.”

Friction is one of the most important components to a climber.

Due to the Japanese climate, climbers are more prone to sweat. As a result, a series of creams and sprays to dry out their hands are used. The main issue is that they are more susceptible to bleeding fingers and bleeding fingers means tape around the hands has to be used.

Learn more about the newest Olympic event from @latimeswharton latimes.com/sports/olympic…

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