Chris Vanderveen (yep…me) Profile picture
2024 duPont-Columbia Award winner | 2022 Peabody Award winner | 4x @NPPA Reporter of the Year | @9News Director of Special Projects |

Aug 4, 2021, 8 tweets

QUICK THREAD re: states & covid


Note: Nearly identical CASE and HOSPITALIZATION rise continues

(thanks @nytimes)




Same deal


(Appears to be near its peak)

(For obvious reasons, I'll be watching this closely)

Look at CASES

SHARP rise now underway


It has yet to lead to similar increase in HOSPITALIZATIONS

This is why we will need to watch HOSPITALIZATIONS closely

Big question is... Will we see a similar RISE in PATIENT counts?

We've seen a relatively BIG increase last two days

Ideally it's short lived, but will need to watch

In an ideal world right now... even a sharp rise in CASES won't be followed by an equal (percentage wise) rise in PATIENTS

(it's one way to tell you the vaccine is doing its job)

UK's latest wave was nearly as bad, case wise, as its winter wave... yet the patient count was NOT

This is why I stress HOSPITALIZATIONS

and why I will continue to do so.

As vaccine gets into more arms, cases and hospitalizations should, in essence, decouple from one another.

It's why the south US RN is concerning.

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