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Tweets on Blockchain Games, NFTs & the Metaverse ✨ | Let's connect! 👋

Aug 4, 2021, 9 tweets

📝 Playtern Notes

📺 Real Vision Crypto Campaign Day 1
💎 After the Hype: Reality Sets in for NFTs

📺 @RealVision
🗣 @Kevin_Kelly_II
🗣 @masonnystrom
🎤 @RaoulGMI

🎨 What is an NFT
❓ What are NFTs really all about
✨ Metaverse: Everything is an NFT
💎 Interesting projects out there

✈ Navigating the Metaverse
🏆 Keeping on top of the space
🧠 Most effective community model?
🛒 NFT Marketplaces

🐱 CryptoKitties & Progression of NFTs
🚀 Where this evolves to
🎨 Is the digital art movement sustainable
🤝 Tokens incentives align the Creator, Platform & Audience

👨‍👩‍👦 Communities
🤯 Facebook Diem, the largest NFT Ecosystem?

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