Helen = Light Profile picture
Human Systems Analyst, Lightworker, Retired Domestic Violence Attorney, Served as @SpookdBlog's Admin. #VibrationIsEverything

Aug 5, 2021, 7 tweets

🧵Why aren't people talking about these Tore 💥💥💥?

What if COVID a isn’t a virus but like Pelosi said “fumigated” - Tore 💅

2/4 What if COVID a isn’t a virus but like Pelosi said “fumigated” - Tore

3/4 What if COVID a isn’t a virus but like Pelosi said “fumigated” - Tore

4/4 What if COVID a isn’t a virus but like Pelosi said “fumigated” - Tore

"What if" = "I have receipts"

"fumigated".....Chemtrails save on manpower. 🎈

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