Dr Musa Nordin Profile picture
Consultant Pediatrician

Aug 6, 2021, 7 tweets

DG MOH 1991-2001:
“many questions had been raised by the suspension of Parliament, adding that the rationale behind it was not clear to him”
“must ensure that all his decisions were made with professionalism rather than political considerations.

God gave him a golden opportunity to save 32 million people.
To save a whole nation in crisis and engulfed in a deadly pandemic.
Instead he chose to save one person.
An unprecedented dereliction of trust & responsibility.
Dishonouring a doctor’s oath Primum Non Nocere

1. 90% vaccinated ie Herd Immunity

2. Positive rate 0.8% Very much less than WHO 5% threshold

Parlimen one of the safest place on earth after NZ!

Science: Parlimen boleh bersidang

Vigilant Surveillance:

1 Ensure aides, reporters, support staff kept to bare minimum ie WFH

2 MPs and these staff should be
a. vaccinated 2 doses
b. asymptomatic
c. do daily RTK-Ag testing (saliva)
d. or blow into covid breath analyser b4 entering parlimen (results in 2 mins)

3. Maintenance of parlimen:
a. Ensure fresh outdoor air ventilation
b. Ventilation system in excellent working order
c. Purge the air daily for 2 hr before MP occupy hall
d. Minimize indoor air circulation
e. Use universal plexiglass as physical barrier - done

f. Install no contact infrastructure - touchless tech for soap dispensers/sanitizers/paper towels
g. Keep surfaces clean
h. Good toilet hygiene - ensure exhaust fans on all the time with doors and windows closed etc.

4. Or sidang hybrid or worst case scenario sidang virtual

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