Situations which have thinking participants may be impervious to the methods of natural science, but they are susceptible to the methods of alchemy

Aug 6, 2021, 20 tweets

Hello frends! It takes an event of great import to rouse me from my torpor. Obviously you have already been subjected to much ado about this, but I have hallucinated something ominous. Read along and let's investigate our way from Chris-chan to Crowley

Now, what I'm tryna lay out here is hardly a new idea, I've discussed this at length with IRL friends since 2017. I firmly believe that Chris-chan has been influenced into, or, through some inexplicable paroxysm of the noosphere, taught himself "real" occult concepts.

If you're even an amateur Christorian, you already know where I'm going with this. The Dimensional Merge, and associated "magical thinking". Consuming his life since the mid 2010s, his beliefs are most clearly layed out in the subsequently screenshotted "Anchuent Prophecy".

Evocative of doomsday or UFO cult beliefs, his assertions start simple. Our reality is dimension 1218. A neighboring dimension, separated by a "thin iron curtain", is C-197, a realm where all fictional characters, art, and belief is literally real. Chris must merge them.

While Chris has resolutely bungled predicting the date of this merge, his idea here is intensely evocative. Indeed, other, better works have put forwards essentially the same idea, that the world of art and magic is, in a sense, real, and can impinge on our own in odd ways.

While the authors and magicians who think this way seem generally more reasonable, this is why you get amateur occultists and chaos magicians literally trying to worship chaos gods from WH40k, D&D, etc.

It can become tempting for an artist to view themselves as having demiurgic power over their creation, or that this little world of their own design reflects or leaks back into consensus reality.

Particularly in postmodern schools of occult practice, the historical validity of a tradition is secondary to the belief marshalled by the practitioner. Bad attitude if you ask me, but I think there's more going on with Chris.

Let's think about another aspect of Chris' beliefs. Not only does he think his creations exist beyond the iron curtain, he claims they directly communicate with and may even possess him. A little spooky.

Foremost among them is "Magi-chan", most powerful among his hedgehogs. In the Anchuent Prophecy he refers to this Magus as his "guardian angel". Something jumps to mind here, a coincidence perhaps, but as we all know when magic is involved there may be no coincidences.

To understand what this might mean we have to go back, before postmodern chaos magic, back to Crowley and Thelemic occultism.

The foremost initiation of the Thelemite is attaining the state of the Magus. The magician exists in a perfected state, understanding their own will, their reason for being. Half of the meaning of "do as thou WILT", total self-mastery and duty to destiny.

The magus is then identified with Mercury, Hermes, Thoth, that god which may travel between the mundane and the world of forms. Between dimension 1218 and C-197. Is it any wonder occultists thus revere the messenger, art, transmission of information?

But what does the state of the Magus lead to? It's spelled out quite explicitly in the Book of Abramelin the Mage. Upon ritual initiation the Magus comes into contact with his.. Holy GUARDIAN ANGEL. The pure form of his will, neither self nor other, perfect will.

Like one progressing to two in the tarot, the High Priestess card is identified with the HGA. Symbolically treading ahead of the Magus, leading them through void, this is what Crowley meant by V.V.V.V.V, and here something strange happens with gender.

"The brothers of the A.'.A.'. are women"

Worrisome, then, that "Magi-chan told Chris Chan to get involved with dungeons and dragons; mainly for her to get the better idea of being in a dungeon master mindset" (speaking in the third person). The Magus-Angel, commanding mastery of fiction believed real.

There's more going on here I think, but this is already more than I want to think about. There's Jacob Sockness, who Chris states practices "sacrifice" and "spells". Something revolting about this guy btw, guarantee we'll see him on the news one day.

Chris' references to "heavy pornography" and ritualistic masturbation, his gnostic aspirations of "becoming a God" and telling people they can too, his reverence for synchronicity, it all just seems to fit somehow.

Well, that's been very silly. I'll post more soon I promise lmao

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