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Aug 6, 2021, 6 tweets

Martin Luther King, Jr. said a filibuster of civil rights legislation would be a “blatant abuse of the legislative and democratic process.”

(🎥 May 26th, 1964)

Dr. King said the upcoming March on Washington, where he delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech, would be a direct response to a filibuster against civil rights legislation.

(🎥 August 12th, 1963)

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said using the filibuster against civil rights legislation could lead to “chaos.”

MLK urged President Kennedy to act because “the South is thinking now in terms of talking the bill away, filibustering.”

(🎥: 1963 Interview)

MLK called a filibuster of civil rights legislation a “tragedy” used by “misguided Senators” who “do not represent the majority of the American people.”

(🎥 1963)

“There will be, I’m sure, a filibuster and we will definitely protest this.”

“…we are determined to see civil rights legislation.”

MLK announced the March on Washington was direct action against Senators blocking civil rights.

(🎥 1963)

“No compromise! No filibuster!”

Bayard Rustin, executive director for the March on Washington, demanded civil rights legislation and the right to vote.

(🎥 1963)

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