Tyler Olsen Profile picture
Old millennial. Editor/reporter/delivery boy @currentfv. Subscribe: https://t.co/wPfs5L62xF

Aug 6, 2021, 5 tweets

The good thing is that cases are only going up in the Central Okanagan so if we control the spread there and stay away, the mission will once again be accomplished.

Dammit. That was the Fraser Health graph. Let's try that again.

Whoops. That was the Vancouver Island graph. Here:

Criminy. Why can't I get this right? That was the Vancouver Coastal graph. Must be because all these graphs look the same. Anyways.... I promise this is definitely the graph

Oh silly me. That was Northern Health. I give up. Here is the Interior graph. I've gone through every health authority. So even if this one isn't Interior, you can definitely tell which one is, right?

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