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Aug 7, 2021, 8 tweets

Do you know about HTML layout ??


1⃣ Introduction of HTML layout

HTML layout is used to structure a web page in a proper manner so it looks better and gives a proper responsive web page.

It helps users easy to navigate the web page and it easily makes by using standard Html tags.

2⃣ Why it is used ??

1. It Simplifies navigation by clarifying the structure.

2. It Makes the design more visually appealing.

3. It helps to make the page in a more responsive form.

4. helps users to easily navigate the web page.

3⃣ Elements of Html layout

there are some tags to the layout web page below is an example of those tags.


4⃣ Example of HTML layout

you can see code snippets on codepen.




5⃣ HTML Layout Techniques

01. CSS framework

02. CSS float property

03. CSS flexbox

04.CSS grid

6⃣ HTML Layout: Useful TipsπŸ’‘πŸ’‘

01. Don't use tables to create HTML layouts! it's not recommended now as it slows down the rendering in the browser and complicates redesigning later.

02. You can also create website layouts using CSS floats or flex containers.

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