Incunabula Profile picture
Bibliophile 📖 and Francophile 🇫🇷. The history of writing and of the book - across ALL cultures. The idiosyncrasies of rural French life in Gascony.

Aug 7, 2021, 6 tweets

It's fascinating the way PRINTED 20th century Ethiopian liturgical books so closely follow the style and layout of the still living Ge'ez manuscript tradition, in the same way that the first Western incunables in the 15th century mirrored their manuscript predecessors. 1/

Orit - Octateuch - Ge'ez & Amharic, 1970. 2/

The Liturgy - Anaphora of the Ethiopian Church - Ge'ez & Amharic. 3/

The Acts & Miracles of St George - Ge'ez & Amharic. 4/

The Miracles of Mary - Ge'ez & Amharic. 5/

The Life & Miracles of St Gabra Marfas Qeddus - Ge'ez & Amharic. 6/

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