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Over 20 years experience building, diagnosing and fixing large scale, high performance systems involving the processing + analysing of huge datasets.

Aug 7, 2021, 8 tweets

Dashboard for 07-Aug to explain the #covid19uk total death increase figure of 103.

For England, NHS data is merged by PHE for a net total of 88.

This moves the UK 7 day rolling average up by 4.6 to 89.6.

Date of death chart for England regions drawn with 7 day rolling averages of deaths per 1M population.

Date of death chart for UK nations drawn with 7 day rolling averages of deaths per 1M population.

England date-of-death vs. announcement chart. Note that the numbers drop at the end as data is still being actively reported for those dates.

Pivot for 07-Aug to show breakdown of both 0 NHS and 88 (net) PHE deaths by date of death. The negatives are a combination of date of death corrections and accounting for NHS deaths that were already known to PHE. Small version for twitter first:

Chart form of today's dates of death for England (most of the noise earlier in the year is likely due to dataset merge errors and/or corrections).

England all settings age distribution chart.

Some of the more detailed content from this thread has been moved to an external page to try and make the twitter updates a bit more manageable. You can still see the full version here: ……

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