BILAL SARWARY Profile picture
Thinking about ALL AFGHANS who get up each morning and dont have the option of just walking away from it ALL. Ind Scholar @Middlebury 2010. AFGHAN. Journalist.

Aug 8, 2021, 20 tweets

Afghan Special commander Colonel Safiullah Mohammadi Incharge of 1st brigade for North and North- eastern Afghanistan. He is leading a difficult fight in Northern Afghanistan.

Afghan Special forces continue to bear the brunt of the fighting. They have been deployed for months into areas.

Moment Afghan Special forces fighting against large scale Taliban attack against Mazari Sharfi city earlier this morning. Afghan Special forces commander Colonel Safi evacuating a wounded member of the Afghan Special Forces.

Fighting has resumed between Afghan Special forces and Taliban on the outskirts of the city of Mazari Sharif again.

“A29s from the Afghan Air Force carried 4 air strikes against Taliban in the villages of Toakhta and Khasa Paaz in Deh- Dadi district in Balkh province killing at least 12 Taliban and wounding 19 others.” Afghan defense ministry in a statement says

General Khanullah Shuja Corps commander for 209 Shaheen corps is sick in the middle of a large scale attack against Mazari sharif city. He has asked to come to Kabul for treatment. Photo and letter source @TOLOnews

3rd Brigade commander Munib was wounded in the fighting against the Taliban on the outskirts of Mazari Sharif. Afghan Special forces continue to fight against the Taliban.

Heavy fighting between Afghan Special Forces and Taliban lasted until 4AM last night. Both sides exchanged heavy and smaller weapons with mortars raining against Deh- Dhadi district outside of the city of Mazari Sharif, the frontline is not very far from 209 Shaheen corps.

At least 10 to15 flights are flying from Mazari Sharif to Kabul - Afghanistan’s largest city in the north. Fighting has been intense, a special forces commander told me, despite air strikes Taliban keep fighting and they want to breach the security belt and enter Mazari Sharif.

“Despite heavy fighting, despite heavy air strike Taliban keep attacking in bigger numbers against city of Mazar Sharif trying 2breach the security belt. Taliban have very accuracy in mortar attacks against us, TB have brought in a lot of snipers.” A CDR on frontline tells me .

President Ghani @ashrafghani in Mazari Sharif city today, a city under Taliban siege and Taliban attacks. The Afghan President met with anti Taliban figures accompanied by his chief of staff @MatinBek and deputy NSC @FazilRafi

Marshal Dostum back in the North -makes a reference 2D Dashte Laile massacre, says TB prisoners could get killed again. Dashte Laile in 2001, TB prisoners were shot dead, suffocated in metal containers as they were being transferred from Kundoz via Erganac in Kundoz N2Shiberghan.

Afghan Special Forces commander colonel Safi and his men have been fighting for days against Taliban on the outskirts of Mazari Sharif in Deh Dhadi district in Balkh province. Despite air strikes and ground fighting, Taliban keep coming back trying to breach the security belt.

Chaotic scenes in parts of Mazari Sharif, Afghan soldiers seen fleeing. One resident told me, there is panic, fear and chances of clashes inside the city.

“ All Afghan forces have fled the city of Mazari Sharif and are now at Hayratan port on the border with Uzbekistan. The city of Mazari Sharif has fallen into the hands of Taliban.” Multiple residents and a government official tells me.

“Several helicopters flew very very low over Hayratan. Helicopters flew over homes in a very worried flying modes towards Uzbekistan.” Two residents in Hayratan on the border with Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 tells me.

ANDSF members on the border with Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 waiting for Uzbek officials to allow them to cross into Uzbekistan

Taliban in Mazar-E Sharif city.

ANDSF fleeing into Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 on the bridge after fleeing from the city of Mazari Sharif. Not clear if the Uzbek government will grant them the permission.

Taliban inside General Dostum’s house.

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