Soviet Child Profile picture
Artists share their collection and love of media arts with an emphasis on the countries of the former Soviet Union. Jude Montague @judemontague.

Aug 8, 2021, 5 tweets

#Caturday is everyday!
"Puzis, Pussy and Sailor" told by Uncle Asya (no idea who is he) and illustrated by Aleksey Komarov. This is a 1924 reprint of a pre-revolution book. Such excellent cat and dog characters!

#Caturday is everyday!
"Puzis, Pussy and Sailor" told by Uncle Asya (no idea who is he) and illustrated by Aleksey Komarov. This is a 1924 reprint of a pre-revolution book.

#Caturday is everyday!
"Puzis, Pussy and Sailor" told by Uncle Asya (no idea who is he) and illustrated by Aleksey Komarov. This is a 1924 reprint of a pre-revolution book.

#Caturday is everyday!
"Puzis, Pussy and Sailor" told by Uncle Asya (no idea who is he) and illustrated by Aleksey Komarov. This is a 1924 reprint of a pre-revolution book.

#Caturday is everyday!
"Puzis, Pussy and Sailor" told by Uncle Asya (no idea who is he) and illustrated by Aleksey Komarov. This is a 1924 reprint of a pre-revolution book.

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