Richard Corsi, PhD, PE (Texas) Profile picture
Dean of Engineering, University of California, Davis Indoor Environmental Engineer Proud UC Davis Alumnus Faith in younger generations Dog lover

Aug 9, 2021, 7 tweets

1/ Still packing office @Portland_State in prep for new role as Dean of @UCDavisCOE. Only 3 yrs, but so many wonderful memories of extraordinary staff and faculty, and amazing students and alumni. A few images.

2/ At my 1st townhall meeting w/ faculty and staff, CS Professor Maier gave me a helmet he modified to symbolize my transition from Longhorn to Viking. Many past or present @ut_caee Longhorns were photographed donning this helmet.

3/ The staff of the Maseeh College are extraordinary, so hard working and committed, the gears that keep the college running from hour to hour and day to day. And a lot of fun, too!

4/ Maseeh College students are amazing. A large fraction are 1st generation college students and we have wonderful international students as well. And they are a lot of fun, too!

5/ The Maseeh College has a lot of extraordinary faculty members. I am so very proud of our early-career faculty members who are deeply committed to teaching, broadening participation, & impactful research (4 NSF CAREER Awards in 2 yrs!). And fun, too!

6/ And amazing alumni.

7/ More Portland State and Portland to come ....

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