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Aug 10, 2021, 21 tweets

proper thread for live tweets of my bleach read through #shashbleach

kisuke carrying the arc ngl

sword measuring contest

the rukia stuff was cool aswell btw with her trying to lie to herself in order to suppress the emotions that has started to betray the ‘ideal’ soul reaper she was supposed to be #shashbleach

yeah the influence kubo had on gege’s style is extremely obvious lol. love the panelling so far #shashbleach

clear of the anime #shashbleach

survivors guilt, his mother’s death the traumatic event that feeds into his belief that he should save others or he would be responsible for the harm that comes to them. somewhat relatable/ordinary guy in a tough spot #shashbleach

probably didn’t watch the anime properly cus i missed this stuff ngl #shashbleach

kisuke like an even more questionable version of gojo with his teaching methods. reckless, risky with almost no regard for wellbeing but a layer of ‘care’ ig beneath that. ends justify the means type beat #shashbleach

training isn’t real so having an arena that matches the fakeness is pretty cool. if the training is ‘bad’ it could also be a play on the buddhist heaven/earth thing where ichigo isn’t actually getting any closer to enlightenment/real growth ig #shashbleach

probs my fav of the quotes so far #shashbleach

pandora’s box

two more aspects of his self, which along with his human part might be a commentary on freud’s id, ego, superego which could kinda work in a loose way #shashbleach art nice

kubo’s aesthetic is really great #shashbleach

byakuya obviously hiding emotions behind the stoic facade but the extent to which he believes in his role and his faith in the soul society is something i don’t remember so i’m intrigued #shashbleach

heard the names can be good characterisations so perhaps this is hinting a love gone wrong or something from kisuke’s backstory involving a woman? #shashbleach

seems like more of a commentary on ichigo #shashbleach

pretty dangerous outlook with the lack of fear but kisuke gotta know why/what made ichigo this way (or at least have an idea) because it’s obviously not a natural phenomena #shashbleach fear as a distraction was cool, reality is subjective type beat

those who can’t sacrifice cannot gain. #shashbleach

smell schemes man, in a good* way i think #shashbleach

finished SSR arc. nice characterisation & moments with some cool ideas/art/presentation. set up stuff i’d like to see explored. solid overall & the set-up of Soul Reapers as guardians of samsara is nice because that’s inherently wrong in the path to enlightenment 👍🏼

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