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Aug 10, 2021, 17 tweets

Dutch proposal for annexing part of Germany to make up for WW2 and as a buffer zone.

Ok, ok, I'll share the whole booklet.
Here's more on the whole subject;

"Our debts are their fault"

Who was it who back then started about "Lebensraum"?
We live with 275 people on 1 square kilometre, they with 131 people.

Lets not forget that it was very close or 'Broek in Waterland' (a town called Trousers in waterland, don't ask) would have been called Hose in Wasserland!

What were they doing with us?
We were perfectly happy with the Brederode (castle) ruins, we didn't need the ruins of Rotterdam and Arnhem!

Don't we have good motives for annexation?
Thousands of Dutch farmers don't even have bad ground to work with!

Because it is better to have a little front yard.
So the next Hitler won't suddenly stand in our hallway like in May 1940.

Are you afraid the next Hitler will be angry about that?
He's going to be angry with us anyway!

Afraid that we can't handle owning that big area?
Imagine if your great grandfather had thought like that back in 1625!

You know how it goes with bills!

Bill for the heirs Hitler for the damage done by you in 1940-45 of 18 billion guilders.

Ask again first of next month.
Promised to transfer payment.
Please return Monday
Sir wants to talk.

Because you can't pluck a frog, we'll have to take the meadow he's sitting on!

Or you should see your next tax bills!

Do you want your grandchildren to still sleep crooked?

(krom liggen, laying crooked is a Dutch phrase, perhaps better translated into breaking your back)

Your child will be born with Fl 2250 debt (roughly 13.000 Euros).
Our debts are their fault!

If the Germans don't want to come across the bridge (Dutch proverb) you'll have to keep using the ferry!

Right is right!

There are just some dangerous birds that need to have their wings clipped now and then!

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