The Warning Bell 🧨 Profile picture
Proud Veteran. 🇺🇸 Pro-Democracy. Anti-Trump. Anti-Corruption. Follow at your own risk. 😉

Aug 10, 2021, 12 tweets

I've taken a closer look at some of Giuliani's 'star' witnesses. In the small group that I skimmed, there are connections to government contracting, cray-cray former senior military, and Republican operatives with a GOP history prior to being 'poll-watchers."

And may I add that the number of prior Army involved is growing. WTF is up at Ft. Bragg? Is it something in the water?

Greg Stenstrom: Former "birther", Owner of Marque Star which appears to have historically received gov't contracts to handle pirates, but is now in "cybersecurity." Handles his own fundraiser along with Leah Hoops' (another witness) fundraiser.

Interestingly During Leah Hoops' public statement, she says one of the first calls she made when she grew suspicious at the tally location, was Greg Stenstrom. Why? What history does Greg have with Leah and the MIGOP?

Oh, she has since been involved with Bannon's War-Room Pandemic rally in PA. See the initial chart for her position with the Trump campaign.…

Braden Giacobazzi has an engineering background and appears to have worked with some aerospace defense contractors. Someone by the same name performed in an amateur production of 'Rocky Horror Picture Show." (one of my old threads)…

Melissa Carone: What can I say? All the public info, plus a piece of info in an interview. In one of the interviews it says she worked for Ford before getting into IT. Braden Giacobazzi also worked at/with Ford. Did they know each other?…

Navid Keshawarz-Nia: Intelligence background. Affidavit was spread around r/w media, and initially submitted with other affidavits, but later withdrawn, so it couldn't be evaluated as actual evidence.

He is also connected to a fraudster Garrison Courtney. Garrison ran a scheme promising gov't contracts. They worked briefly together, but the nature of that work is unclear.……

Shane Trejo: He seems unassuming at first, but through World View Weekend, Much Rack and Big League Politics, he appears to be enmeshed in a disinformation circle which includes Kevin Freeman, Ret Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, Mary Fanning and others.

World View Weekend is Christian - Politics - Conspiracy Theory circus, so of course McInerney is a regular feature.

I've mentioned before the disproportionate number of defense contractors involved in/surrounding 1/6, but there are starring roles for other types as well.

I've also mentioned the problem of lack of oversight and controls with contracting.

More oversight is needed. 👀🙄👀🙄

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