Neil Tester Profile picture
Chair @HWHertfordshire. Former Director @RichmondGroupOC and Deputy Director @HealthwatchE. Own views. RTs = interest only. 🏳️‍🌈

Aug 10, 2021, 8 tweets

Thread: here’s what’s jumped out at me from a first read of today’s new @NHSEngland guidance on provider collaboratives. 1/8.…

2/8. Good to see the guidance discussing the links with cancer alliances and other clinical networks. @RichmondGroup14 members have been keen to stress throughout the ICS development process how important these networks are for a range of conditions incl stroke and respiratory.

3/8. Good to see a focus on a range of issues that could make outcomes and experience better for people living with multiple conditions.

4/8. Right that the capabilities section reminds collaboratively about people and communities informing plans for service change (not being asked to approve them afterwards).

5/8. The theme about people and communities follows through into the enablers section. I like the breadth of the thinking about how to bring people’s insights to bear. Obviously a gold star answer would also have included voluntary and community sector organisations.

6/8. This bit is like the curate’s egg: parts of it are excellent. Good to see voluntary sector in there but it misses the potential of big players like @RichmondGroup14 members to contribute at multi-system, regional and national levels, incl role of major research charities.

7/8. Good to see this section recognising the value added by the voluntary sector at *both* local and national levels. The more system leaders understand this dual dynamic, the better.

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