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@CSPAN Capitol Hill Producer. Reads Congressional Record every day. Former @RTCACapitolHill Chair. Philly fan since birth. @AmericanU. #FlyEaglesFly

Aug 10, 2021, 36 tweets

1:40pm Tuesday: Vote-a-rama on the Senate Democrats' $3.5T budget resolution begins with a vote on Barrasso (R-WY) amdt on the Green New Deal.

99-0: Senate unanimously adopts Barrasso (R-WY) amdt on the Green New Deal to the Democrats' $3.5T budget resolution, the first vote in the #votearama which lasted 30 minutes.

First Democratic amendment, the second one of the day, is by EPW Chair Carper (DE) on climate change funding.

51-48: Senate on near party line vote adopts Carper (D-DE) amdt on climate change funding.

99-0: Senate unanimously adopts Thune (R-SD) amdt on tax protections for owners of generationally-owned businesses, farms, and ranches.

49-50: Senate defeats Cortez Masto (D-NV) amdt to "establish a reserve fund relating to protecting family farms, ranches, and small businesses while ensuring the wealthy pay their fair share."

49-50: Senate on a near party line vote defeats Lummis (R-WY) amdt to cancel the Biden Administration's ban on oil and gas leasing on federal land in an effort to lower gasoline prices and reduce energy dependence on OPEC.

4:05pm: Senate adopted its first amendment of the day by VOICE VOTE to the Democrats $3.5T budget resolution, by Senators Hassan (D-NH)-Young (R-IN) to support research and development. Senators on the floor cheered holding one less roll call vote in the #votearama.

49-50: Senate on a near party line vote defeats Crapo (R-ID) amdt "to establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to prevent the monitoring and reporting of sensitive American taxpayer information to IRS by financial institutions about deposits and little as $600."

50-49: Senate on party line vote adopts Wyden (D-OR) amdt to “establish a reserve fund to protect the privacy of American taxpayer & small business tax info while only reporting large financial account balances to the IRS to ensure those evading the tax system pay what they owe.”

57-42: Senate adopts Cramer (R-ND) amendment to “prohibit the Council on Environmental Quality and EPA from promulgating rules or guidance that bans hydraulic fracturing in the US.”

49:50: Senate along party lines defeated Scott (R-SC) amdt to “establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund…ensuring that all schools should be open for in-person learning 5 days a week for the 2021-2022 school year.”

Senate voice vote approval of Rubio (R-FL) amdt "to establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to facilitating the provision of internet service to the citizens of Cuba, who have been deprived of the free flow of information by the illegitimate communist Cuban regime."

46-53: Senate defeats Appropriations Cmte Vice Chair Shelby (R-AL) amendment to the Democrats' $3.5T budget resolution to provide funds available to the Defense Dept. to implement the 2018 National Defense Strategy.

48-51: Senate on a near party line vote defeated Grassley (R-IA) amendment to prevent changes to the state and local tax (SALT) deduction "that mainly benefit the wealthy."

47-51: Senate defeats Finance Chair Wyden (D-OR) amendment "to establish a reserve fund relating to increasing the progressivity of the tax code" to the Democrats $3.5T budget resolution.

99-0: Senate unanimously adopts Rules Chair Klobuchar (D-MN) amdt "to establish a reserve fund to honor the US Capitol Police, the DC Metropolitan Police, and all other first responders, who fought and died protecting Congress and the US Capitol on January 6, 2021."

Senate voice vote approval of EPW Ranking Member Capito (R-WV) amendment to "establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to support or expedite the deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration technologies."

53-46: Senate adopts Agriculture Cmte Ranking Boozman (R-AR) amdt to Democrats' $3.5T budget resolution to "establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to policies or legislation to prohibit the USDA from making ineligible for financing fossil fuel-burning power plants."

86-13: Senate adopts Braun (R-IN) amdt "to establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to removing the prohibition on States and territories against lowering their taxes."

66-33: Senate adopts Ernst (R-IA) amdt "to establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to prohibiting or limiting the issuance of costly Clean Air Act permit requirements on farmers and ranchers in the US or the imposition of new federal methane requirements." #nocowtax.

99-0: Senate unanimously adopted Scott (R-FL) amdt to "establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to preventing terrorist actions against the US & its allies, & to ensure US tax dollars do not benefit terrorist organizations such as Hamas or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad."

98-1: Senate adopts Young (R-IN) amdt to Democrats' $3.5T budget resolution to "prevent tax increases that would violate President Biden’s repeated promise to not impose a single penny in tax increases on people making less than $400,000 per year." Carper (D-DE) voted No.

50-49: Senate on a near party line vote adopted Lankford (R-OK) amendment to Democrats' $3.5T budget resolution to preserve the Hyde amendment. Manchin (D-WV) joined all Republicans in voting Yes.

90-9: Senate adopts Sullivan (R-AK) amendment to "establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to prohibiting renewable energy projects receiving federal funds and subsidies from purchasing materials, technology, and critical minerals produced in China."

Senate voice vote approval of Wyden (R-OR) amdt to "establish a reserve fund relating to ensuring robust, secure, & humane supply chains by prohibiting the use of federal funds to purchase materials, technology, & critical minerals produced, manufactured,or mined w/forced labor."

28-71: Senate defeats Paul (R-KY) substitute amendment to replace the Democrats' $3.5T budget resolution with his own budget plan.

85-13: Senate adopts Baldwin (D-WI) amendment to establish a reserve fund relating to Great Lakes ice breaking operational improvements.

49-50: Senate along party lines defeated Romney (R-UT) amendment to prevent the Democrats' $3.5T budget reconciliation legislation from including "trillions of dollars in job-killing tax hikes."

It's now Wednesday in the US Senate and the #VoteARama continues.

76-23: Senate adopts Moran (R-KS) amendment to establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to immigration enforcement and addressing the humanitarian crisis at the southern border.

50-49: Senate on a near party line vote adopted Cotton (R-AR) amendment to establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to prohibit the teaching of critical race theory in prekindergarten programs and elementary and secondary schools.

49-50: Senate along party lines defeats Blackburn (R-TN) amendment to strike the Senate emergency legislation provision from the Democrats $3.5T budget resolution.

49-50: Senate along party lines defeats Cruz (R-TX) amdt to establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to ensuring DHS "conducts expulsions of illegal immigrants who may contribute to the spread of COVID-19."

95-3: Senate adopts Hawley (R-MO) amendment to Democrats $3.5T budget resolution to establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to hire 100,000 new police officers nationwide.

Senator Wyden (D-OR) chairs Senate Finance, one of the committees instructed to craft legislation, including paid family and medical leave, and Medicare expansion, for the budget reconciliation by next month.

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