Dr Mel Thomson Profile picture
Ex-🇦🇺 now 🇬🇧 Microbiologist | Alt-Ac AMR Research Manager | Bad Feminist | Enjoys Tumefactive Multiple Sclerosis 🌈 +pan&poly she/her

Aug 11, 2021, 18 tweets

So it begins…. #MelsMigrationMadness #PissedOffPets


So, the pets has fun in the @Jetpets departure lounge before boarding their flights, apparently!

Big dog who is not making the journey, fell on her feet being re-homed to a 7 acre property in Regional Victoria, but always hard to say goodbye…. #MelsMigrationMadness

Last meal at our favourite local @TheBellarine restaurant #Napona in #OceanGrove before #MelsMigrationMadness

Kevin and Lucy from @PalmersRelo doing great work here packing all our stuff! So much (even after culling our books & CD etc down by 2/3! Current Spotify playlist? Cruisin OldSchool #MelsMigrationMadness

My bad, it’s Elijah and Lucy from @PalmersRelo who did a great job getting order from chaos today! Now just more trips to charity bins before Sean the South African comes to fill his Trash Taxi tomorrow. #MelsMigrationMadness

A break from #MelsMigrationMadness now to have my last #Tysabri #ivselfie infusion @BarwonHealth - I’ve been looked after so well by the awesome nurses in the Medical Day Stay unit and hope to get similar great staff from the @NHSMillion on the @NHSuk in future

Today in #MelsMigrationMadness? Removal of 10 cubic meters (via Stuart) of life detritus to landfill, which really brings the impact of ‘fast furniture & fashion’ home to a personal level. So many trips to various charity shops to try & keep goods in the circular economy.

Now in the ‘Twin City Motor Inn’ in Wodonga, watching Netflicks. Long drive after leaving Geelong via the COVID travel test clinic for 3/4 swabs for PCR results for our permits to board the flight. (Youngest exempt due to age). Watching ‘Coming to America’ (cc @DrDeniseChapman)

*PHEW* Just got word via email that the pets have landed safely in Manchester and are on their way to Grandma’s house. We’ve also had lots of gushing messages and cute pics from Big Dog’s new parents in Seymour 🥰 #MelsMigrationMadness

So, we’ve hit the road for Day 2 of the drive to Sydney and just crossed the Border into NSW. #MelsMigrationMadness

On the way home from dropping off the Prado to a new home…. Locky D in Sydney is totes Kosher…. #MelsMigrationMadness

Wow, ghost town at Sydney Airport. The taxi driver (who was from a war torn part of the world) was incredulous that we were leaving ‘this freedom land’ and told me I had to return. I replied ‘I need to live away for ten years to fall in love with the idea of my country again’.

Arrived in Singapore. Escorted from plane to a transfer area in a conga line by folks in full PPE. Transfer area contains the grand total of one coffee cart as the retail opportunity. We are to be called then escorted onto our LHR flight soon. #MelsMigrationMadness

Slight delay out of Singapore, due to Middle East Crisis, forcing a re-route #MelsMigrationMadness

Arrived safe at LHR…. Zombie Apocalypse vibe here too. Shortest queue at the Border ever. Only a 3.5 hour drive to go 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫#MelsMigrationMadness

I hope you have enjoyed travelling vicariously during #MelsMigrationMadness and that Australian LockyD improves soon

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