Charlie Potatoes Profile picture
host of TepidButterTonight parody/satire legally binding!

Aug 11, 2021, 24 tweets

If you search "covid prayers" right now in Facebook posts the sheer amount of posts is crazy.

I am cracking up at the replies he's getting to help him. These people will all be next.

It is non stop

Guys kid just died and people are replying that he's wrong about the vaccine

History does, in fact, repeat itself.


Ever feel totally hopeless

They surround themselves with this conspiracy echo chamber then they are on their death bed and the people they decided to trust over doctors are in their replies telling them to take zinc.

Pray for my family also here's some posts on the vaccine.

Posting repeated anti vaccine lies and then going to the ER and being turned away because the hospital is full of covid patients.

So many posts begin "attention all prayer warriors" and then there will be 200 replies that just say "prayers" it has this vibe

Owned the libs though.

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