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Aug 11, 2021, 10 tweets

The 66th AD Battalion (HQ at Hatzor AB) operates the "David Sling" (DS) #ABM system.
The unit includes 2 batteries with 2 launchers each.
Back in 2018 Israeli media show an image of the Ein Shomer site.
The shadow clearly indicates the DS system present in
3 of the revetments

Back in 2013 the construction of 4 Arrow launch bunkers and 2 concrete pads started in the north of the base, now usually occupied by 48 bunker msl & 2 six-tube surface launchers.
This leaving the revetments empty for the DS system which was introduced in 2017.

The supporting El-2084 Radar was placed next to the "Oren Yarok" ABM Radar which supports Arrow.
The use of the DS system was published in the Israeli media when captured during a launch from Ein Shomer in an (unsuccessful) intercept against a Syrian S-200 on 25.12.18

The question was where did they deployed the 4th launcher?
The DS system was first used in an (unsuccessful) attempt to intercept a SS-21 on 23.7.18 .,734…
The msl was launched from the compound of the 138th (Patriot) battalion just north of Zfat.

note: the missile went straight up (which Patriots don't do)

In principle all Israeli AD systems are movable.
An option which is used to face threats from different directions.
But Arrow & DS (and to some extend also Patriot) seems to use/prefer "well-established sites".

sat images show an interesting pattern.
3 DS launcher occupy the 3 southern revetments at Ein Shomer, while the northern revetment is occupied by an Arrow launcher, which supplements the 2 surface launchers in the northern Arrow compound of the base.
-> 3x12 DS & 48+3x6 Arrow

Another image show the southern part of the Patriot compound north of Zfat (138th batt).
The southern pad is indeed occupied by (the fourth) DS launcher (without towing truck) - msl section not erected.
Just to the north of it a MAN truck Patriot TEL is visible.

So was this a secret? No! All infos (incl. videos of the launches & sites) were already published in the Israeli media itself.
DS system is at 2 known bases. So what?
BTW: I asked govmap in 2018 for permission -> granted.
1 month later: they were forced to blurr!

another image of the Ein Shomer site.
Here the Radar complex.
Oren Yarok is in support of the Arrow system while the EL-2084 support the David Sling.
This area is meanwhile blurred too - on request of the censorship.
It "revealed" that both systems obviously have Radar support

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