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writer/novelist @rabihalameddine@zirk.us

Aug 11, 2021, 12 tweets

Corot - Pensive Young Woman - 1855/60

Rembrandt - The Kitchen Maid - 1651

Attributed to Carel Fabritius - A Girl with a Broom - ca.1646/51

Johannes Vermeer, A Girl Asleep, 1657

Eugène Carrière, Woman Leaning on a Table, 1893

Èdouard Manet, Plum Brandy, c. 1877

Pablo Picasso, Femme à la cigarette, 1901

Henri Matisse, The Black Table, 1919

Edward Hopper, Automat, 1927

Vincent van Gogh, Agostina Segatori Sitting in the Café du Tambourin, 1887

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Portrait of the Vicomtesse Othenin d'Haussonville - 1845

Otto Dix, Portrait of the Journalist Sylvia von Harden. 1926

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