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Aug 11, 2021, 8 tweets

Job seekers are increasingly being asked to pass a series of tests in the form of AI games just to land an interview with a hiring manager. If you’re applying for a job, you listen to this episode of the #InMachinesWeTrust podcast. Thread.…

Sally (a pseudonym to protect her identity) is a job seeker, a military veteran & a Black woman with a grad degree in information with specialties in data science & interaction design. She fails to see how solving a timed puzzle has any real bearing on her potential to succeed.

She says she’s tried everything to succeed at these games but without success. She was rejected from multiple jobs she applied to that required these games.

.@Cognify is a company that makes some of these games, and we hear from some of the lead creators and distributors of these tools. We share feedback from job seekers like Sally.

Some advocates and experts worry that hiring involving these kinds of games might exclude people with disabilities.

🎧 LISTEN to this episode of #InMachinesWeTrust exploring how AI hiring tools pose risks to workforce equality and who might get left behind in the process.…

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