John Bye Profile picture

Aug 11, 2021, 7 tweets

When national treasure Captain Sir Tom Moore died from pneumonia, @hartgroup_org members asked whether his death was vaccine related, suggested there was a cover up, joked about him leaving his money to Lockdown Sceptics, and described him as "a control mechanism".

When news first broke that Sir Tom was in hospital with pneumonia and covid, HART members questioned the diagnosis, said his illness was "expected", described him as being "used as a control mechanism", and tried to link his condition to covid vaccines.

When he died the next day, HART founder Narice Bernard joked that "he left all his money to Lockdown Sceptics".

Patrick Fagan (ex Cambridge Analytica) commented "oh God, prepare for hysteria to dial up to 11".

Tasteful. 🙄

They were also upset at people clapping for Sir Tom, saying "vested interests" were "waiting for a trigger to advance their cause", and it was "propaganda", "weaponised virtue signalling".

Political fixer Bernie de Haldevang said "it's using the Tom agenda to clap for the NHS".

Meanwhile members quibbled over the diagnosis that Sir Tom had died "with" covid (possibly caught on an earlier visit to hospital).

Jonathan Engler (one of HART's public facing members) said a news story shouldn't say Sir Tom "caught covid", just "received a positive PCR test".

Prominent HART members like Liz Evans even suggested there was a cover up about Sir Tom being vaccinated.

In fact what seems to have happened is earlier stories were corrected after his family released a statement that he wasn't vaccinated.

But that didn't fit HART's narrative.

So two days later they were still arguing about whether the news (and internet archives and search engines!) had been censored, and trying to find hard copies of old newspapers.

Even after it was pointed out that Sir Tom's family had clearly said that he hadn't been vaccinated.

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