Sam DeBrule Profile picture
Co-Founder of Heyday

Aug 11, 2021, 8 tweets

I chatted with some of the top writers on Substack recently.

Here’s their advice on growing a newsletter:


Rusty Foster (@fka_tabs), @TodayinTabs

Get people with a bigger audience to mention you.

Will Lawrence, Product Life

Remix content for social channels.

Jeffrey Ding, ChinAI

Go organic.

Jeremy Caplan, Wonder Tools

Partner with other newsletters + write consistently useful posts.

Anton Howes, Age of Invention

Post regularly to increase the chance of sharing.

Ali Abouelatta, First 1000

Optimize content for organic search. Be active on Twitter.

(Ali’s newsletter is read by 20k+ people now! He shares about his journey from 0->2k subscribers in detail here:…)

Thinking of starting a newsletter of your own?

Top creators join us every week for AMAs to share tips and mistakes they made.

@mikulaja is joining us tomorrow to share the story behind "Fintech Business Weekly."

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