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Aug 12, 2021, 6 tweets

IGN’s The Path to Dune kicks off with this exclusive look at the heroes of Denis Villeneuve’s sci-fi epic. #DuneMovie @dunemovie

First is Paul, the son of Duke Leto and Lady Jessica, played by @RealChalamet:

Leto is the Duke of House Atreides, played by Oscar Isaac

#DuneMovie @dunemovie

Jessica is the Lady of House Atreides, played by Rebecca Ferguson

#DuneMovie @dunemovie

Gurney Halleck is the Warmaster for House Atreides, played by Josh Brolin

#DuneMovie @dunemovie

Duncan Idaho is a swordmaster and fights for House Atreides, played by Jason Momoa

#DuneMovie @dunemovie

Wellington Yueh is the doctor is service of House Atreides, played by Chang Chen

#DuneMovie @dunemovie

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