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Person, who gives textless stuff

Aug 12, 2021, 172 tweets

BERSERK - thread (textless edition). In this thread gonna be a lot cleaned pages + vol. covers + color illustrations. Hope everyone will enjoy it.
All pages gonna be cleaned by me. Plus there might be wallpaper editions frames/panels. Gonna be fun (I hope)


Also, if you don’t read BERSERK yet, I recommend to not look into this thread. If you not aware of spoilers, welcome.

“Too heavy, thick and rough.” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

“Crying Bug” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + Textless)

“Quick Death” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + Textless ver. + HD)

“…A Behelit” (Textless + HD)

Vol. 2 Cover (Textless + HD)

“Guardians of Desire, Pt. 2” Color Illustration (Textless + HD)

“Five members of God Hand” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

“Well done, Black Swordsman” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

“Strange Egg” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

“You gotta be kidding me.” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

Vol. 3 Cover (Textless + HD)

“Guardians of Desire, Pt. 4” Color Illustration (Textless + HD).

That’s it for today. I won't work on speed, so the content in this thread will be updated gradually. Although everything can happen. Biggest thanks, everyone and #ThankYouMiura

“Guardians of Desire, Pt. 4” Color Illustration (Textless + HD)

“Sword in a Teeth” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

“Doom” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

“Sight” (Textless + HD)

“Go ahead. Kill yourself.” (Textless + HD)

“EH?” (Textless + HD)

“Boy & Sword” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

“Three years later” (Textless + HD)

“Golden Age” (Textless + HD)

Vol. 4 Cover (Textless + HD)

“Golden Age, Pt. 2” Title Page (Textless + HD)

“Say it.” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

“You should have died!” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

“Kill” (Textless + HD)

“Golden Age, Pt. 3” Color Illustration (Textless + HD)

“Killer” (Textless + HD)

“Golden Age, Pt. 4” Color Illustration (Textless + HD)

“Golden Age, Pt. 5” Title Page (Textless + HD)

Vol. 5 Cover (Textless + HD)

That’s it on today. #ThankYouMiura

“Warrior” (Textless + HD)

“Night & city” (Textless + HD)

“Golden Age, pt. 8” Color Illustration (Textless + HD)

“I will get my kingdom.” (Textless + HD)

“You belong to me. (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

“Warrior, pt. 2” (Textless + HD)

“In this world is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law…? Is it like the hand of god hovering above? At least, it is true that man has no control, even over his own will.” (Textless + HD)

“Wind of Swords” Color Illustration (Textless + HD)

“Knights” (Wallpaper Edition Frames + HD)

“Egg of King” (Textless + HD)

“Nosferatu Zodd” (Textless + HD)

“Killer” (Textless + HD)

“Death will pay you a visit! A death you can never escape!!” Color Illustrations (vol. version) [Textless + HD]

Vol. 6 Cover (Textless + HD)

“Death will pay you visit!” Color Illustrations (Textless + HD)

“Arrow” (Textless + HD)

“Assassin (2)” Title Page (Textless + HD)

“Killer” (Textless + HD)

“Assassin (4)” Title Page (Textless)

“Charlotte” (Textless)

“Precious Thing” Title Page (Textless + HD)

“In Sewers” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

“What I think a friend is one who is my ‘EQUAL’.” (Textless + HD)

“Somebody got killed. / All according to plan” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

“Engagement” (Textless + HD)

“Casca (1)” (Textless + HD)

“Protector” (Textless + HD)

“yo.” (Wallpaper Edition Frame + HD)

“Does being born of the nobility mean that you’re chosen by god?” (Textless + HD)

“Departure for the Front” Color Illustration (Textless + HD)

Vol. 7 Cover (Volume Format + Full Version from Artbook) [Textless + HD]

“I’m screwed.” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Triumphant Return” (Textless + HD)

“Moment of Glory” (Textless + HD) (from ARTWORK OF BERSERK artbook. Biggest thanks to @FrostiFusionZ_ for his hard work)

“Genuine Smiles” (Textless + HD)

“Tombstone of Flame” (Textless + HD)

“It’s a quite a sight to see…” (Textless + HD)

“Stoppers” (Textless + HD)

“Do I want him to stay?” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“GUTS” (Textless + HD)

“The Morning Departure” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

Vol.8 cover art (Textless volume format + textless full format from artbook. For Scans biggest thanks to @FrostiFusionZ_ again)

“Knight of Skeleton” (Textless + HD)

“Loneliness” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Charlotte” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“This is Worthless” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Come on…any time” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Silhouettes” (Textless + HD)

“Food” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Choke” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Wounds” (Textless + HD)

“Should have died.” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“It’s laughable” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Present & Past” (Textless + HD)

Vol.9 cover art (Textless + HD)

“Unforgettable Things, Unforgettable People & 1 Big Sword” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Something began to stir.” (Textless + HD)

“I made up my mind.” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Only HIM” (Textless + HD)

“GUTS” (Textless + HD)

“Prince” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Festival’s Eve” (Textless + HD)

“Guys…” (Textless + HD)

“Festival’s Eve (2)” (Textless + HD)

Vol.10 cover art (Textless + HD)

“Distant” (Textless + HD)

“Weakness” (Textless + HD)

“You’re good as dead.” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“The Immortal Once Again” color page (Textless + HD)

Vol.11 cover art (Textless + HD)

“Requiem of Wind” (Textless + HD)

“Only the wind announces the end of fight.” (Textless + HD)

“Someone…near me.” (Textless + HD)

“Take Care” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“The Warriors of Twilight” (Textless + HD)

“Fragility” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“If you’re Griffith’s friend and equal” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Noticing Things” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Back Alley Boy” (Textless + HD)

“Path still goes on” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“The Beginning or the End?” (Textless + HD)

“Coming Back to Owner” (Textless + HD)

“STAY AWAY” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Advent” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Despair” (Textless + HD)

“Fallen” (Textless + HD)

“I know it.” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“No Apologies” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“I’ll never get to reach that place.” (Textless + HD)

“YES.” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Among the thousands” (Textless + HD)

“You’re the only one” (Textless + HD)

“-crifice” (Textless + HD)

“No Mercy” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“It has been determined” (Textless + HD)

Vol.12 cover art (Textless + HD)

“Merciless” (Textless + HD)

“Piercing through” (Textless + HD)

“Sinking” (Textless + HD)

“Crystallisation” (Textless + HD)

“God” (Textless + HD)

“The Roar” (Textless + HD)

“re:Birth” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Age of Darkness” (Textless + HD)

“DONT GOOOOOOOOO!!!!” (Textless + HD)

“Cave of Survivor(s)” (Textless + HD)

“Declaration of War” (Textless + HD)

“Birth” (Textless + HD)

“Cutting” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Ready to Go” (Textless + HD)

“Walking into Darkness” (Textless + HD)

Vol.13 cover art (Textless + HD)

“The Dead Sun” (Textless + HD)

“Sleepless” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Tall Figure” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Iron” (Textless + HD)

Vol.14 cover art (Textless + HD)

“Haven’t seen sun” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Let me see your wounds.” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Bugs” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Valley” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Running” (Textless + HD)

Vol.15 cover art (from ARTWORK OF BERSERK artbook. Biggest thanks to @FrostiFusionZ_ for his hard work!) (Textless + HD)

“Burn it out” (Textless + HD)

“Queen of Bugs” (Textless + HD)

“Black it out.” (Textless + HD)

“Mom will be worry.” (Textless + HD)

“Interesting, what’s on dinner?” (Textless + HD)

“Alone Peerkaf” (Textless + HD)

“There’s no paradise for you.” (Textless + HD)

“There only the battlefield left for you.” (Textless + HD)

“Soldier Puck” (Textless + HD)

“I am what I am” (Textless + Wallpaper Edition Frame)

“Reach the God” (Textless + HD)

“Inside” (Textless + HD)

“Darkness Around Me” (Textless + HD)

Vol.16 cover art (Textless + HD) (from ARTWORK OF BERSERK artbook. Biggest thanks for @FrostiFusionZ_ for his hard work!)

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