Kalyan KS Profile picture
NLP Researcher & Founder @AkmmusAI. Research interests - large language models and the relevant topics.

Aug 13, 2021, 9 tweets

#1 AMMUS- A Survey of Transformer-based Pretrained Language Models #nlproc #nlp #bert #survey
Paper link: arxiv.org/abs/2108.05542

#2 presents a brief overview of various pretraining corpora #nlproc #nlp #survey

#3 classify and present an overview of various pretraining methods

#4 presents a new taxonomy of T-PTLMs

#5 classify and explain in detail about various downstream adaptation methods

#6 presents a brief overview of various benchmarks (intrinsic and extrinsic)

#7 presents a brief overview of various libraries to work with T-PTLMs

#8 presents various future directions which will further improve T-PTLMs

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