Lauren Facall Profile picture
You can hold yourself back from the sufferings of the world, that is something accords with your nature, but perhaps this very holding is causing you suffering.

Aug 13, 2021, 7 tweets

#BOTD 1899 – 1980 #AlfredHitchcock, Aged 80, English-US filmmaker

His job in advertising, as copy writer and as designer, he said later, was his "first step toward cinema." He read that Paramount's Famous Players-Lasky, was opening a studio in London, and in 1919, he was hired.

#BOTD 1899 – 1980 #AlfredHitchcock, English-US filmmaker.

Directorial debut: Always Tell Your Wife (1923) Pleasure Garden (1925) Mountain Eagle (1926) * The Ring * Downhill (1927) Farmer's Wife * Easy Virtue * Champagne (1928) Manxman (1929)

The Lodger: A Story of London Fog

#BOTD 1899 – 1980 #AlfredHitchcock, English-US filmmaker.

Blackmail * Juno and Paycock * Murder! * Skin Game * Mary * Rich and Strange * Number Seventeen * Waltzes from Vienna * Man Who Knew Too Much * Secret Agent * Sabotage * Young and Innocent * Lady Vanishes * Jamaica Inn

#BOTD 1899 – 1980 #AlfredHitchcock, English-US filmmaker.

Hollywood: Rebecca * Foreign Correspondent (both 1940) Mr & Mrs Smith * Suspicion (both 1941) Saboteur (1942) Lifeboat (1944) Spellbound (1945) Notorious (1946) Paradine Case (1947)

Shadow of a Doubt (1943)

#BOTD 1899 – 1980 #AlfredHitchcock, English-US filmmaker.

Rope (1948) Under Capricorn (1949) Stage Fright (1950) Strangers on a Train (1951) I Confess (1953) Dial M for Murder * Rear Window (1954) To Catch a Thief * The Trouble with Harry (both 1955)

To Catch a Thief (1955)

#BOTD 1899 – 1980 #AlfredHitchcock, English-US filmmaker

Man Who Knew Too Much * Wrong Man (1956) Vertigo (1958) North by Northwest (1959) Psycho (1960) The Birds (1963) Marnie (1964) Torn Curtain (1966) Topaz (1969) Frenzy (1972) Family Plot (1976)

North by Northwest (1959)

#BOTD 1899 – 1980 #AlfredHitchcock, English-US filmmaker. He became a television celebrity with Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955–65)

Of his feature films, 46 were Oscar nominated, with six wins, but he never won an Oscar as Best Director, despite five nominations.

Psycho (1960)

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