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Aug 13, 2021, 7 tweets

Don’t miss! Prof @chrischirp is currently delivering her unmissable analysis of all the latest Covid data & what it all means

It is simply not true that the link between infection & hospitalisation has been broken, says @chrischirp. The numbers are seven times higher than it was a year ago.

The pandemic in children is back at the level it was during the peak, says @chrischirp

'This is the number of under-18s who have been vaccinated. England is the outlier' - Prof @chrischirp

The difference between advice for schools in the US & England is stark, says @chrischrip. 'The only high-income country that is doing nothing. I personally think this is a reckless approach.'

This is @chrischirp's summary. A note of urgency & caution:

'We are only one doubling away from the July's peak.'

There are 1,200 watching the briefing live. But you can always watch it on catch-up. There is nowhere else where you will find such a detailed analysis of all the latest data

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