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Aug 13, 2021, 5 tweets

Is this a Helmet of a German flame-throwing soldier, WW1?
Not quite.
According to the Memorial de Verdun it is a breathing apparatus originally used by firefighters and modified, maybe as an experimental model, to protect wearers from smoke, but was never used on the front lines.

A few pictures of similar helmets as used by firemen;

Maybe they experimented with it as a flame-throwers mask but it's all a bit vague so claiming it was a flame-throwers mask is iffy.
Maybe people just assumed it because in the museum it hangs next to a flame throwers kit.
As pic 3 shows they don't seem to have needed it.

And the clincher, this is the description the museum has and an interesting discussion on a WW1 forum that came to the conclusion; greatwarforum.org/topic/290303-g…

Oh look, I found another nice picture to add;

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