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Aug 13, 2021, 7 tweets

Based on a Reuters analysis of emergency response data, drug-related 911 calls for young people aged 20 and under increased by nearly 43% last year.

Health experts say school closures, cancellations of sports and social isolation are partly to blame 1/7

Hockey was central to 16-year-old Sequoyah Klingele’s life. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Sequoyah turned to drugs.

A friend found him unresponsive in April. He’d died of an accidental methadone overdose 2/7

Luca, 13, became increasingly depressed after school closures left him isolated.

He died of an overdose in August 2020 from a fentanyl pill 3/7

The rate of emergency calls involving young people who required naloxone – a drug that reverses an opioid overdose – increased by 34% from 2019 to 2020, the highest it’s been since at least 2017 4/7

Jeff Covitz, a San Francisco paramedic, said most of his overdose calls involve street fentanyl, which can require more than three times as much naloxone to reverse than heroin 5/7

In March, Reuters conducted an investigation into how school closures have affected students’ mental health 6/7

Experts attribute the spike in youth and young adults dealing with significant mental health issues and substance use to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read more from @specialreports 7/7

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