WhiskeyJack Profile picture

Aug 13, 2021, 11 tweets

starting soul society. reminder to mute #shashbleach to avoid the spam

pretty much embodies the style of how soul reapers function. logical and businesslike without any actual heart which is ironic considering what they are supposed to represent #shashbleach

well hello to you too #shashbleach

guilt really seems to be ichigo’s driving factor. pride too. i like him #shashbleach

seems like urihime is so self depreciative and puts others first as a result of what happened with her brother tied to her natural dislike of being a burden #shashbleach

nah i can’t look at this fight without thinking of inshun lmfao 😭😭 #shashbleach

these fights really dragged in the anime i’m liking the manga a lot more ngl 👍🏼👍🏼 #shashbleach also ichigo’s pure ability is obviously something to do with his ‘creation’ that’s being foreshadowed

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