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Aug 14, 2021, 10 tweets

Lawmakers and government officials said President Biden's national domestic terrorism strategy, released June 15, was a step in the right direction.

But only the State Department said it’s implemented policies to fight domestic extremism in the US.…

Insider found there's been little public movement since the White House unveiled its strategy.

It outlined steps federal agencies should take to enhance their vetting of US government employees and improve how they detect domestic terrorism threats.…

The president’s response to combating domestic extremism and white supremacy came in the wake of the January 6 riot at the US Capitol.…

The number of racially or ethnically motivated attacks has also been increasing in recent years, with the FBI listing 2019 as the deadliest year for domestic terrorism since 1995.…

The lack of response from federal agencies to combat domestic terrorism after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol building could be a potential security threat.

That’s according to Erroll Southers, a USC professor and expert in extremism studies.…

If Biden does not continue to push federal agencies to develop their own plans to mitigate domestic terrorism threats, then nothing will get done, said Clint Watts, a former FBI agent with expertise in domestic terrorism.…

Biden pledged to make combating domestic terrorism a priority after January 6.

In the days after his inauguration, some federal departments and agencies with law-enforcement components did get moving.…

An Insider investigation published in May found that only 10 of the 63 agencies surveyed at that time acknowledged conducting periodic background checks on their officers or monitoring their employees' social-media accounts for signs of threats.…

Only five federal law-enforcement agencies that responded to Insider's survey in May said they had the ability to check their employees' social-media accounts.…

Watts told Insider the president’s plan lacks specific mandates for new money to help the federal agencies address terrorism in their ranks.

And some Democratic lawmakers have called for Biden to do more.…

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