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Aug 14, 2021, 11 tweets

The cult Love Has Won believed that their leader Amy Carlson was God incarnate.

Experts and former members spoke to Insider about what it was like in the group. šŸ‘‡ā€¦

In 2006 Amy Carlson, a former McDonald's employee, left her family in Texas to live with people she met online, claiming she was destined to usher humanity into a grand awakening.ā€¦

The group blended New Age mysticism with beliefs about galactic beings, planetary ascension, and a hint of QAnon-style conspiracy theories ā€” but at its crux revolved around worshipping Carlson.ā€¦

Historically, cults have rarely been led by women, but Carlson had a unique ability to charm and manipulate those around her.ā€¦

But for former member Andrew Profaci, Carlson's need to play God quickly displaced any good intentions the group might have had.ā€¦

According to Facebook posts made by Jason Castillo's group Joy Rains, Carlson died on April 21 in California, one week before her mummified body was found in the group's house in Colorado.ā€¦

As Carlson never saw a doctor, it's unclear what caused her health problems or whether her death could have been prevented with medical treatment, members of the group said.ā€¦

Despite Carlson's death, Love Has Won devotees are committed to carrying on Mother God's mission, albeit under different names.ā€¦

The group continues to sell colloidal silver supplements, which it claims have all-purpose healing benefits.

@US_FDA says consuming colloidal silver is not safe for any medical purposes.ā€¦

Now, the fight to deprogram members continues.ā€¦

Read more on the bizarre cult Love Has Won on Insider.ā€¦

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