Jamie Langley Profile picture
MSc Applied Sport & Exercise Science, HE Lecturer. Exercise Physiology & Biomechanics. https://t.co/znOd74RAZp

Aug 14, 2021, 12 tweets

One of anti-doping's biggest challenges is proving how a substance entered an athlete's body. Subsequently, the responsibility has been placed upon the athlete to prove how a substance has came into their body under WADA's Code of 'strict liability'.

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With anti-doping labs analytical sensitivity improving, athletes testing positive due to contamination of supplements for trace amounts of PED's offers a real concern to both athletes and the anti-doping authorities.


Britain's CJ Ujah part of the Olympic 4x100m relay team who won the silver medal at the Tokyo Olympics has returned an AAF for the Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator's (SARM'S) Ostarine & S-23. He is likely to claim a contaminated supplement is the reason behind his AAF


SARM'S currently under medical clinical trials are not approved for human consumption. SARM's offer a potential performance advantage designed to have an anabolic (muscle building) effect whilst minimising the negative androganising effects of anabolic steroids/testosterone.


SARM'S are a drug which frequently turn up in supplements often not cited on the labels. A recent article by @JournoAndy stated over 200 supplements contain SARM'S, 98 containing Ostarine and 9 containing S-23.



Ostarine appears the most popular SARM of choice responsible for 148 AAF's between 2015 and 2018.

Clearly a popular PED of choice, but also prevent in supplements.


DOI: 10.1002/dta.2933

Smart athlete's may try to Micro-dose SARM'S to gain the performance benefits whilst minimising the chances of testing positive. A recent 2020 study shows:

'Elimination profiles of microdosed ostarine mimicking contaminated products ingestion'


Walpurgis et al (2020) study investigated the metabolism and elimination of ostarine metabolites from both a single dose along with multiple doeses of 1, 10 and 50ug of ostarine.


A single dose of Ostarine 50ug was detectable for a maximum of 11 days, 1ug was detected a maximum of 9 days after administration.


5 x 50ug of Ostarine could be detected for a maximum of 15 days.


Low levels of a SARM'S metabolites are not necessarily evidence of ingestion via contamination, it could be due to Micro-dosing or the sample was taken after a significant period after a larger quantity was ingested.


Present* not prevent

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