Jonathan Lai 🙊 賴柏羽 Profile picture
The only Lai is in the byline.⁣ 📊 @PhillyInquirer Editor of Data-Driven Storytelling⁣ 🗳️ Data & Democracy Reporter⁣ ⚖️ “…Liberty and Justice for all.”

Aug 14, 2021, 9 tweets

Here’s how Pennsylvania’s population is distributed across the state, with one dot for each person counted in the 2020 Census:

A closer look at Southeastern Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia and its suburban Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties:

Allegheny County (home of Pittsburgh) and friends:

Pennsylvania’s non-Hispanic AAPI population:

Pennsylvania’s non-Hispanic Black population:

Pennsylvania’s Hispanic population (of any race):

Pennsylvania’s non-Hispanic multiracial population:

Pennsylvania’s population of American Indian and “some other race” residents:

Pennsylvania’s non-Hispanic white population:

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