Gerjon | חריון | غريون | ኼርዮን (Deactivated) Profile picture
Deactivated | ✈️ Aircraft Tracker | 🛰️ Image Analyst | 🛬🔥 Ilyushin Il-76 fan | 🌍Focus on 🇦🇪UAE, Africa | Quoted by 🇺🇳, Washington Post, BBC, NY Times

Aug 15, 2021, 8 tweets

🇺🇸N225AX, an Omni Air International (very common U.S. Military transport contractor) Boeing 767-200 passenger aircraft is currently near 🇦🇫Kabul, Afghanistan: #OAE8078

I imagine the crew will remember the flight for the rest of their lives.

U.S. Contractor "Omni Air International" 🇺🇸N225AX #OAE8078 has landed in 🇦🇫Kabul, Afghanistan.

Also, a U.S. registered Mil Mi-171E (reg. 🇺🇸N510VS) popped up right next to the U.S. Embassy and seems to be going back and forth between airport and embassy.

U.S. registered Mil Mi-171E (reg. 🇺🇸N510VS) from the airport landing in 🇦🇫Kabul's Green Zone just now.

🇺🇸U.S. Military Contractors assisting in the evacuation of 🇦🇫Kabul's Green Zone.

Common U.S. Contractor "Omni Air International" 🇺🇸N225AX just departed 🇦🇫Kabul, Afghanistan.👇🏻

A so far unidentified Lockheed 382G-44K-30 (civil C-130 Hercules) active on ground at 🇦🇫Kabul, Afghanistan.

Many of these are in use by 🇺🇸U.S. Government/ "CIA" contractors, like the one quoted below.

🇺🇸⚠️🕵🏻‍♂️U.S. Contractors are visting 2 areas around 🇦🇫Kabul, Afghanistan: 1. Green Zone/U.S. Embassy. 2nd is more interesting: CIA Black Site known as "Salt Pit". Wikipedia:

"The Salt Pit (...) an isolated clandestine CIA black site prison and interrogation center in Afghanistan."

Interesting article about the site.

Now the usual question: did both of us happen to watch the same site, or were my tweets their inspiration?…

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