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Anti anti-comunista. Contra las revoluciones de colores. Por un mundo multipolar

Aug 16, 2021, 27 tweets

In this thread, I will post images that do not exist in the West but exist in China of what happened mainly on June 2, that is, 2 days before the "massacre", which caused the army to take out the heavy tanks.
Yes; the half truth is told in all west media.

Here you can see a soldier burned to death by the mob of protesters

Just like this soldier who died in a tragic way, there were more than 6,000 military and police casualties from martial law, and many wounded soldiers were actively rescued by Beijing residents.

(Top left) wounded soldier.

(Top right)
Dead soldier hanged and tied to a destroyed car.

(lower left)
Soldier killed by being lynched.

(lower right) Dying soldier being rescued by another soldier and citizens.

Military convoys burned on June 2 with unarmed soldiers.

Light tank burned by protesters the night of June 2

Arrest of thugs who killed, hanged, vandalized, looted and burned the military.

Citizens rescuing a beaten soldier

Vehicles burned in the western area of ​​Beijing. I don't know if it was June 2 or 4.

Burned dead military

Armed manifestant the night of June 2

In the early morning of June 3, counterrevolutionary riots began to break out in Beijing. According to the Chinese people, the gangsters besieged, beat, kidnapped, killed and injured martial law officers and soldiers.

The top soldier was burned while the bottom one hanged, according to the Chinese was the mafia.

Protesters stealing military weapons and ammunition

According to the Chinese, these would be part of the mafia that killed and stole weapons from the military days before June 4 and caused the use of heavy tanks and therefore, the famous tank man.

Protester after having stolen weapons from the army.

Beijing citizens watching and trying to help 2 lynched soldiers

Young military man (I estimate 19 to 23 years old) beaten by protesters.

Soldier forcibly removed from his vehicles by protesters

Military beaten by protesters.

Finally this is a set of images of a chinese. the images are almost visible. In the fourth row you can see 3 soldiers:
(Left): A soldier hanged and burned.
(center): Military burned and tied from a second floor in full view of all the people
(Right):soldier hanging from a car

Oh yeah, I forgot. (Although I don't know if I should necessarily put it)

I leave you the link of the photos I took (it is not a website affiliated with the Chinese government) It is a Chinese website...

You can find it next to a text that says in Chinese "Map of the riots of 1989". You are listed with numbers with a hyperlink

Of the 48 tabs with images, the 1 to 22 can be viewed.…

You will also find additional information on the subject

I forgot, here is the translation from Chinese to English:

Liu Guogeng (you can also find more images on google), the lieutenant of the People's Liberation Army who was assassinated in Liubukou
(Liu Bu Kou, Beijing, China )

Biography of Liu Guogeng according to the China military network…

The military man in the center, who was burn and hung from a pedestrian bridge, is called Cui Guozheng, here is his biography according to the China Military Network.…

I also want to add a story that a Chinese user told on Weibo, narrating how Liu Guogeng (25 years!) Cui Guozheng (21 years old,so young?!😟 ) Died and one that I have no image, called Li Guorui (30 years )…

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