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Aug 16, 2021, 29 tweets

The Taliban has declared the war in Afghanistan over after its fighters swept into the capital, Kabul, and President Ashraf Ghani fled the country

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At least 5 people killed in Kabul airport as hundreds of people tried to forcibly enter planes leaving the Afghan capital, witnesses tell news media.

One witness said it's unclear whether victims were killed by gunshots or in a stampede.

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The Taliban explained ▶️

Who are Taliban’s key leaders in Afghanistan?

Shots were heard amid scenes of chaos and panic at Kabul's international airport, as hundreds of Afghans rushed to secure a flight and flee the country after the Taliban took over the capital ⤵️

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"The region could not afford continued instability in Afghanistan"

Shah Mehmood Qureshi, Pakistan’s foreign minister, meets delegation of Afghan political leaders who arrived on Sunday in the Pakistani capital Islamabad.

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“It’s really strange to not be allowed to get to work, but now this is what it is.”

The Taliban told female employees at some banks to not return to their jobs ⤵️

China willing to develop “friendly relations” with the Taliban after armed group seize control of Afghanistan, says Beijing foreign ministry.

“China respects the right of the Afghan people to independently determine their own destiny"

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Taliban fighters in the Afghan capital, Kabul, have started collecting weapons from civilians because people no longer need them for personal protection, says Taliban official.

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US ‘defeat’ in Afghanistan a chance for lasting peace, says Iran:

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi calls for national reconciliation in neighbouring Afghanistan and offers support to restore stability.

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Taliban fighters patrol the streets of Kabul a day after taking over the country following President Ashraf Ghani’s departure.

— in pictures

Germany may need to evacuate as many as 10,000 people from Afghanistan, says Chancellor Angela Merkel.

That includes 2,500 Afghan support staff as well as human rights activists, lawyers and others whom the government sees being at risk.

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Shocking footage from Kabul Airport shows several Afghans chasing down a US Air Force plane as it takes off, with some reportedly falling to their death while clinging to the plane.

Russia will seek ‘pragmatic’ engagement with the Taliban after the armed group seized control of Afghanistan, say analysts

An Afghan military jet has crashed after crossing the border into Uzbekistan and its pilot ejected and survived, the Uzbek defence ministry is quoted as saying.

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Who is Ashraf Ghani, the former president of Afghanistan?

The US spent more than $8bn over 15 years on efforts to deprive the Taliban of their profits from Afghanistan’s opium and heroin trade.

That strategy failed has failed, we look at why ⤵️

Kabul is brought to a near standstill on the first day of the Taliban's “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” as planes carrying Afghan soldiers land in Tajikistan.

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• Switzerland's last agency workers escape Kabul on a US flight
• Belgium to send four aircraft for evacuations
• Italian diplomats and Afghans arrive in Rome
• India says its doors are open to Sikh and Hindu minorities

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The UN urges the Taliban to "exercise utmost restraint" and asks "all countries" to receive Afghan refugees and refrain from deportations.

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Two gunmen were killed by US forces at Kabul airport in separate incidents over the past 24 hours, according to a US official.

🔴 LIVE updates as the Taliban retakes Afghanistan:

Some Afghans reportedly fell to their deaths while clinging to a US Air Force plane as it took off from Kabul Airport ⬇️

The UK indicates that sanctions on Afghanistan are possible after the Taliban takeover.

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Afghans desperate to flee the Taliban throng Kabul airport — in pictures

At least seven people were killed after a panic rush of crowds at Kabul airport.

Al Jazeera’s Rob McBride, reporting from Kabul, said the Taliban are stopping people getting into the terminal of Kabul airport and have been firing warning shots to keep people away from the area.

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The first of three German evacuation planes en route to Afghanistan has diverted to Uzbekistan after it could not land at Kabul airport.

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On July 8, Biden said "the likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.”

This weekend, the world watched the US embassy in Kabul being evacuated as the Taliban took over Afghanistan ⬇️

A further 200 British troops are to be sent to Kabul to evacuate British citizens and local allies from Afghanistan.

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"I stand squarely by my decision to withdraw US troops."

Watch LIVE as US President Biden gives his official remarks on the situation in Afghanistan after the Taliban's takeover ⬇️

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