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i make internet

Aug 16, 2021, 8 tweets

How bad are the Taliban?

Afghans would rather cling to the underside of a C-17 Cargo jet & fall to their deaths than live under Taliban rule

An entire country is now terrorized because of Biden's failure & cruelty

People are dying because of Joe Biden.

Very disturbing footage from Kabul airport shows desperate civilians who clung onto US military plane plummet to their deaths shortly after takeoff

Another angle depicts the horrific moment at least two Afghan civilians fall hundreds of feet to their death after a desperate attempt to flee Taliban rule

Helpless Afghans franticly climb jet bridge trying to board plane fleeing Taliban terrorists

Chaos at Kabul airport as thousands flood tarmac trying to escape the terror of the Taliban

Taliban fighters shoot Afghans trying to jump Kabul airport wall

Joe Biden did this.

More horrific scenes in Afghanistan today as Taliban fighters are seen shooting at Afghans around the Kabul airport.

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